Thursday, November 28, 2019

Univerzitet u Beogradu , Filoloski fakultet Essay Example For Students

Univerzitet u Beogradu , Filoloski fakultet Essay UniverzitetuBeogradu,Filoloskifakultet Spanskijezik,knjizevnostikultura Spanskijezik1 Rezimeteksta DrAnaKuzmanovicBeograd,decembar2016. UvodUdzbenik Svet hispanistike napisan je 2011. godine kako bi se u velikoj meri studentima hispanistike olaksalo upoznavanje sa kulturom i civilizacijom spanskog govornog podrucja. Autori udzbenika kazu da ova knjiga ima ambiciju da predstavlja neku vrstu vodica kroz svet hispanistike. Mi cemo se u ovom rezimeu fokusirati na spanski jezik, podrucje na kom se koristi i njegove dijalekte i varijante. JezikIz cinjenica navedenih u tekstu, mozemo videti da spanski jezik ili katiljanski (el castellano) spada u velike jezike savremenog sveta i da se govori sirom planete. Zvanican je jezik u Spaniji, zemljama Hispanske Amerike i Ekvatorijalne Gvineje. Spada u grupu romanskih jezika i potice od narodnog govornog latinskog (latin vulgar) koji se govorio na Iberijskom poluostrvu za vreme rimske okupacije. Jedan od jezika koji je najvise uticao na razvoj spanskog jezika je arapski, koji je obogatio spanski recnik u raznim oblastima. Upravo tom periodu, izmedju desetog i trinaestog veka,se kastiljanski konsolidovao kao jezik. Kastiljanski jezik se nametnuo kao jezik Spanije zbog jacanja Kastilje i prevlasti nad ostalim kraljevinama. Danas su jezici tih kraljevina ostali u tragovima u vidu sledecih dijalekata:leonski (leones)asturijski (asturiano)aragonski (aragones)andaluzijski (andaluz)Iako je zvanicni jezik u mnogim zemljama, u govornom jeziku se primecuju velike razlike, pogotovo u zem ljama Hispanske Amerike. Zato dolazi do pojava varijanata. Postoje razlicite varijante od kojih su meksicke, argentinske, kubanske i filipinske, kao i ladino, jezik Jevreja Sefarda. U ovim varijantama dolazi do mesanja drugih jezika i kultura okolnih zemalja i naroda sa spanskim jezikom. We will write a custom essay on Univerzitet u Beogradu , Filoloski fakultet specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now Autor ovog poglavlja nam u ovom tekstu daje do znanja da jezik mora da ispunjava sledecih pet kriterijuma da bi se smatrao svetskim jezikom:KohezijaJezik mora da bude razumljiv i da stvara poruku na koherentnom jezickom kodeksu. ZajednistvoTreba da postoji velika zajednica kojoj je taj jezik maternji. KulturaMora biti povezan sa kulturom i knjizevnoscu koja prevazilazi granice govornog podrucja. KolonizacijaSmatra se da svetski jezici pripadaju narodima koju putuju i osvajaju nove prostore. TrgovinaTrgovina omogucava komunikaciju sa drugim narodima. Spanski jezik ispunjava svih pet uslova i njegov uticaj raste sa razvojem kulture i brojnim emigracijama. Dolazimo do jos jedne podele jezika:Medjunarodni jezik jezik koji se govori u nekoliko zemaljaLingva franka jezik koji je sredstvo komunikacije ljudi koji imaju razliciti maternji jezikUniverzalni jezik -poseduje odlike oba navedena jezika, ali i usvojen je od strane razlicitih naroda na razlicitim prostorima JezickasituacijauSpanijiispanskijezikdanasZvanicni jezik Spanije je kastiljanski ili spanski, medjutim u ustavu Spanije, jezici autonomnih zajednica su takodje prihvaceni. To su: Baskijski (el euskera) Govori se u podrucju Baskije i jedini je jezik koji ne pripada grupi romanskih jezika. Njegovo poreklo je nepoznato. Postoje spekulacije o njegovom poreklu, ali nijedna nije potvrdjena. Galisijski (el gallego)Nastao je od narodnog govornog latinskog jezika i vodi poreklo od galisijko-portugalskog. Zajedno sa spanskim je postao zvanicni jezik Galisije 1981. godine. Katalonski (el catalan)Pripada grupi romanskih jezika. Varijanta katalonskog je valensijski jezik koji se koristi u vecem delu Valensije. Spanski ustav podjednako ceni sve varijante spanskog jezika i one se vode kao kulturna bastina. Varijante jezika se stite pomocu statuta koje raspisuju autonomne pokrajine. Katalonski, galisijski i baskijski su od 2005. godine u upotrebi pri skupovima Evropske unije, sto govori o njihovoj vaznosti i priznatosti. Iako postoji dosta varijanti spanskog, sve su na neki nacin srodne normiranom jeziku, te se govornici razlicitih varijanti i dalje lako razumeju. Autor se u daljem tekstu pita odakle potice prevlast kastiljanskog nad ostalim varijetetima. Bitan faktor jeste istorija i period rekonkiste, kada se Kastija na celu sa kraljicom Izabelom istakla kao pokretac borbe protiv Muslimana i mecena Kristoferu Kolumbu, zahvaljujuci cijim otkricima je Kastilja zagospodarila novim prostranstvima i ucvrstila politicku i jezicku dominaciju u Spaniji. Danas spanski jezik govori kao maternji ili koristi u sluzbene svrhe preko 440 miliona ljudi. Spanski se govori na teritoriji Spanije, Ekvatorijalne Gvineje, u jednom delu Sahare, Severnoj, Srednjoj, Juznoj Americi (sem Brazila i Gvajane) i delovima SAD-a. Spanski jezik je cetvrti na svetu po broju govornika. (Soldatic, Donic, 2011: 47,48)Prva gramatika spanskog jezika napisana je 1492. godine od strane Antonija de Nebrihe. Dalje normiranje i negu jedinstva gramatike, fonetike i recnika nastavila je Spanska kraljevska akademija (Real Academia Espanola) osnovana 1713. godine. .ue75f55edc22cfd4187d2ebc2ff6c96dc , .ue75f55edc22cfd4187d2ebc2ff6c96dc .postImageUrl , .ue75f55edc22cfd4187d2ebc2ff6c96dc .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .ue75f55edc22cfd4187d2ebc2ff6c96dc , .ue75f55edc22cfd4187d2ebc2ff6c96dc:hover , .ue75f55edc22cfd4187d2ebc2ff6c96dc:visited , .ue75f55edc22cfd4187d2ebc2ff6c96dc:active { border:0!important; } .ue75f55edc22cfd4187d2ebc2ff6c96dc .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .ue75f55edc22cfd4187d2ebc2ff6c96dc { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .ue75f55edc22cfd4187d2ebc2ff6c96dc:active , .ue75f55edc22cfd4187d2ebc2ff6c96dc:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .ue75f55edc22cfd4187d2ebc2ff6c96dc .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .ue75f55edc22cfd4187d2ebc2ff6c96dc .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .ue75f55edc22cfd4187d2ebc2ff6c96dc .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .ue75f55edc22cfd4187d2ebc2ff6c96dc .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .ue75f55edc22cfd4187d2ebc2ff6c96dc:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .ue75f55edc22cfd4187d2ebc2ff6c96dc .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .ue75f55edc22cfd4187d2ebc2ff6c96dc .ue75f55edc22cfd4187d2ebc2ff6c96dc-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .ue75f55edc22cfd4187d2ebc2ff6c96dc:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: Locke and Hobbes EssayNova gramatika spanskog jezika uvazava i americke varijante. SpanskijezikuAmericiPostoji dosta uocljivih razlika u fonetici, leksici, morfologiji i sintaksi u hispanoamerickim varijantama spanskog jezika. Tako da se na osnovu tih razlika u govoru lako moze reci ko potice iz Kolumbije, ko iz Argentine, Kube ili Meksika. Ova tri cinioca su znacajno uticala na stvaranje americkog spanskog:1. Jezicko nasledje koje je Amerika zadobila od Spanije;2. Doprinos domorodackih jezika stvaranju hispanoamerickih dijalekata;3. Uticaj africkih jezika na americki spanski. Ove tri stavke detaljno su proucene od strane Dzona M. Lipskog (John M. Lipski) u knjizi El espanol de America. Veliki uticaj na spanski imala je muslimanska kultura i sam jezik (arapski). U spanskom jeziku ima oko cetiri hiljade reci arapskog porekla. Od XVII i XVIII veka otkrivaju se slicnosti izmedju spanskog koji se govori u Americi i spanskog u Andaluziji, medjutim tek od XX veka krece da se proucava andaluzizam americkog spanskog. Tome su doprinele studije Maksa Leopolda Vagnera (Max Leopold Wagner) El espanol de America y el latin vulgar (Spanski u Americi i narodni latinski) iz 1920. godine, kao i esej Pedra Enrikes Urenje (Pedro Henriquez Urena) Observaciones sobre el espanol de America (Zapazanja o americkom spanskom) iz 1921. godine. Pominju se pojave kao sto su seseo i yeismo. Takodje, smatra se da su na americki spanski dosta uticali africki jezici koji su usli u Ameriku preko crnih robova. Tragove afrohispanskog u spanskom imamo na Kubi, u Puerto Riku, Dominikanskoj republici, Panami, Kolumbiji i Venecueli. Svakako da prilikom kolonizacije, mesanja razlicitih kultura i osvajanja dolazi do hibridnih rezultata, tj. stvaranja novih jezika, medjutim, tragovi prvog i osnovnog jezika se ne mogu izbrisati. Ovo je jedna od znacajnih odlika americkog spanskog zato sto taj jezik ima svoju posebnost i unutrasnje razlike u odnosu na jezik Spanije, a na to su veliki uticaj imali indijanski jezici. (Soldatic, Donic,2011: 53) ZakljucakAutori u knjizi jasno i sistematicno iznose podatke o rasprostranjenju, istoriji razvitka i varijantama savremenog spanskog jezika. Tekst ne mozemo kriticki ispitati, jer se radi o cinjenicama koje su lisene subjektivnog misljenja autora. Ovaj udzbenik namenjen je studentima koji se tek upoznaju sa svetom hispanistike i odlican je vodic kroz celokupnu istoriju Spanije. Napisan je koherentno i sadrzi ekvivalentne nazive svih bitnih pojmova i na spanskom jeziku. Spanski jezik, kao cetvrti jezik po broju govornika na svetu sa svojom bogatom istorijom, zahtevan je predmet na ucno-istrazivackog rada, a mi smatramo da su autori uspeli da prenesu najbitnije cinjenice i ucine ih lako razumljivim studentima. LITERATURA:Soldatic, Dalibor; Donic, Zeljko, Svet hispanistike, Beograd, Zavod za udzbenike, 2011. RADILE:Katarina Stevanovic 2016/0469Mina Sujdovic 2016/0092Marija Matic 2016/0414

Monday, November 25, 2019

Ive Attached The File Example

Ive Attached The File Example I've Attached The File – Essay Example Current Problems with Public Education in US The education in the United s faces a myriad of challenges, which make education to be less of an equalizing factor in the society. Poverty among the students is a major factor that has hampered the status of education in the country. While the rich are able to afford any school, the poor have the minimal opportunity to consider schools of their choice. It is also apparent that the rate of classroom disruptions is quite high. This emanates from rising cases of violence in schools. However, poverty is the major problem in the American education system of the 21st century. Low-income is the source of poverty for a number of Americans today. According to (Strauss 1), the numbers of students of children, from preschool to 12th grade, that benefit from the federal free and subsided feeding have increased exponentially over the years. Children from low-income backgrounds now dominate most of the public schools. Despite the magnitude of the problem, the federal educational policy has not considered poverty to be a major challenge to the education system in the United States. Ive Attached The File Example I've Attached The File – Essay Example Introduction The structure of many world economies is generally characterised by disparity in income distribution. Basically, unequal income distribution in an economy results in high poverty levels and poor living conditions for majority of the citizens. Income inequality has been on an increasing trend in America and other developed nations from the early 1970s (Yu and Slottje 101). The inequality is more evident in areas occupied by African-Americans. In fact, the menace of income inequality is higher in the United States than other wealthy nations. The major contributor of this unhealthy economic trend is projected to be US reinforcement of free market capitalism. Income inequality is associated with several evils such as increased crime rates, poor health, poor housing, low quality education and many others. Income inequality has numerous impacts ranging socio-economic to political Social impacts of income inequality Some scholars argue that disparities in income distribution contribute to social strife, health challenges and racial conflicts. For instance, people with low incomes (the bulk of the population) cannot afford quality healthcare because it is either too expensive or in accessible. In most instances, the best health care facilities and services are reserved for the rich in the community. Income distribution disparities have promoted the emergence and development of social classes across America which has widened the trench between the wealthy and the poor further (Yu and Slottje 118). In fact, the lower class people have been enslaved by the royal families through paying heavy taxes and providing cheap labor. When assessed critically, it can be seen that America is not comprehensively a land of opportunities as perceived by people from other countries. Essentially the living condition of some American residents, especially in cities and big towns render the perception that there are e ndless opportunities in America a mere stereotype. Some people from other nation who flock America in search of decent lifestyles end up being dissatisfied by the real experience they go through. Education is yet another sector that has been adversely affected by the problem of income inequality in the United States. Children of the less advantaged families especially the African- America hardly have access to quality education. Institutions offering quality education are generally expensive and can only be accessed by children from wealthy families. This situation affects the intergenerational mobility between the poor and the wealthy generation. In fact, intergenerational mobility is high in wealthy families than from less fortuned families. This basically means that there is little that children from poor families can inherit from their parents. Research has showed that raising income inequality contributes to increase in crime rate. In fact, some people especially poor youths decide to propel their lives in whatever means possible including robbery and theft. As a result, this has the consequence of raising security threats and other evils as people strive to make ends meet. Work cited: Yu, Hyang-gŭn and Slottje, Daniel. Measuring trends in US income inequality: theory and applications. Berlin [u.a.] : Springer, 1998. Print.

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Services Directive Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

Services Directive - Essay Example Services Directive The first of these is that the implementation of the application of the country of origin principle, which requires that only the law of the country in which the service provider is located should be applicable. Further, it enjoins upon the Member States not to restrict in a discriminatory way services from a provider established in another Member State. Second, empowering citizens to use the services provided by any other Member State without being delayed or discouraged by restrictive measures imposed by their country. Third, creation of a mechanism to provide assistance to citizens who use a service provided by an operator established in another Member State and fourth, the allocation of tasks between the Member State of destination and origin, in respect of the posting of workers. This directive is not applicable to non – economic and non – remunerated activities. Hence, it is not applicable to the non – remunerated activities of the governments of Member states in respect of its cultural, educational, legal and social commitments towards its citizens . The origins of this directive lie in the questions thrown up by the incident described in the next few lines; a liqueur, Crà ¨me de Cassis, was not allowed to be imported and sold in Germany by the importers Rowe-Zentral AG. The reason for this was cited as low alcoholic content for that particular type of alcoholic drink. The importer approached the European Court of Justice, which challenged the validity of national legislation that was attempting to introduce non – tariff barriers to trade. ... The importer approached the European Court of Justice, which challenged the validity of national legislation that was attempting to introduce non - tariff barriers to trade.2 One of the main bastions of the free movement of goods within the EU is the principle of mutual recognition. Its genesis lies in the above cited EU Court of Justice famous Cassis de Dijon judgment of February 20, 1979. This principle requires that, every Member State to accept products on its territory which are legally produced and marketed in another community Member State. The right of Member States is restricted to challenging this principle in cases involving risk to public safety, health or the environment. In such cases the measure taken must be in conformity with the principles of necessity and proportionality. On the 4th of November 2003, the European Commission published a communication aimed at illuminating the principle of mutual recognition.3 A businessman is often forced to abstain from selling a product, which does not satisfy the technical rules of that Member State, owing to ignorance as to how to proceed in such a discriminatory situation. A technical rule gives the specifications which define the features necessary in a product like its composition, presentation, packaging, labelling etc. The aim of this communication is to spell out the rights and methods of appeal which economic operators may derive from the principle of mutual recognition, when they encounter such difficulties. On the whole, wherever provisions of a national law are incompatible with the principle of mutual recognition, the national courts and administrations have to guarantee the full impact of the principle by removing, of their own

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Why Would You Decide to Use an Online Dating Site Factors That Lead to Article

Why Would You Decide to Use an Online Dating Site Factors That Lead to Online Dating - Article Example Online dating is a Computer-Mediated Communication (CMC). This paper seeks to conduct a study that would unearth factors contributing to online dating. Several significant studies have been conducted to determine factors leading to online dating. Kang and Hoffman based their analysis on a study conducted by Pew Internet and American Life Project. The model used by Pew Internet and American Life Project studied individuals from age bracket 18-95 years old, their level of education ranged from 1-7 years after high school. Additionally, 54.3 of the respondents were women. On the other hand, the study by Kang and Hoffman which sought to find out factors that predict usage of online dating and based hyperpersonal CMC as its theoritical framework, tested six variables; age, sex, education, trust, total number of tasks that a person does on the internet and perceived reliability of the internet. Results showed that several significant factors played fundamental roles in predicting the likelihood of an individual to use online dating module; Several literatures demonstrates trust as a significant factor in determining online dating. Honesty poses a major problem in the online dating realm since many individuals assume that others are giving inaccurate information about themselves. Kang and Hoffman argue that individuals who generally trust others may also trust those they meet through the internet. Sex factor is a determinant of online dating; results showed that women use online dating than men. Exposure to the internet also predicts internet usage, since determines the number of tasks an individual performs on the internet. For instance, graduate students respond with tremendous positive attitudes in creating online relationships than undergraduate students who comfortably use internet for other purposes.  

Monday, November 18, 2019

Software Risk and Risk management Failure Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Software Risk and Risk management Failure - Essay Example The risks that pose a threat due to some physical or structural flaw or damage are relatively easier to mitigate and eliminate as their causes are easily found. But certain risks are faced on routine basis and people become so used to them that after a while these risks stop being taken as a threat. Also certain risk handling situation depend upon the person facing the risk his decision at that moment. Certain risks are ignored or overlooked more commonly than others. At the time of meeting the user requirements are misunderstood by the developer due to certain barriers of communication which can result in an inadequate software requirement because client wasn’t able to convey his requirements properly and the developer worked on them thinking that these requirements were what the client wanted. Also no proper identification of key components so that they are developed as separate parts and merged as units to form a complete software. This technique is helpful in many ways. A follow up with client is necessary to mitigate this threat and using the key components identification technique developer can easily identify which software component deviates from requirements. Inefficient coding is also a issue that the software functions correctly but its speed\performance to calculate or perform operation it was designed for is slow. While coding it should be made clear by the project manager to programmers that code is optimized for eg a small chunk of inefficient code doesn’t show lack of performance but when hundreds of thousands of such lines of code accumulate the result is under performing software. One of the Major and most commonly overlooked software risk is the security risk. While developing a software for a company the security controls implemented are quite vulnerable. These vulnerability as often not noticed and employees can freely access data and information of other departments or tamper the information as well. This is a major risk whic h is overlooked quite a lot of time causing major losses. To reduce this risk and chances of such misuse Controlled access should be given to employees and hierarchy of access should be formed. Some other risks that are overlooked include softwares which are developed on one platform or system function incorrectly on some other platforms or systems. This is due to hardcoded development specific system types which is good for systems with similar configuration as it will perform up to the mark on them but for systems with different configuration it’ll be a hindrance. Writing a Flexible code so that changes can be accumulated if such situation is faced will be helpful. Also when developing a software it should be kept in mind that technology is making advancement at an exponential pace and users are also shifting to newer technology. So keeping this fact in mind the software be flexible to accommodate upgrades. DQ2-Risk management failure Why do companies fail at risk managemen t?   In responding to the question, draw from your own experiences, the text, the topic notes, the additional readings, and/or any additional sources that you research and cite.  Ã‚  Ã‚   The main reason for companies failing at risk management is the lack of contingency planning, training of employees and no proper company document or policy detailing a line of action if certain risk is identified. The requirement for risk management becomes higher for those companies where continuous running of operation

Friday, November 15, 2019

Gardners Theory of Intelligence

Gardners Theory of Intelligence It is a pretty common phenomenon that some people acquire knowledge and skills 10 or 20 times faster than others (Payne Tirre 1984). Some people acquire certain kind of knowledge that others cannot even acquire after years of practice. This sort of individual differences in learning are commonly occur due to differences in intelligence. Thus, learning ability is part of intelligence according to some psychologists and most of the educators barely make any difference between learning and intelligence. Therefore, it sounds paradoxical that both of them have quite separate ways throughout the history of psychology. According to psychologist intelligence will never have a general definition (Strenberg Dtterman 1986). It can be said that it is not a concept which can be scientifically useful (Jensen 1987d) as it lacks such meaning that is not just a random choice of any psychologists. Of Gardners proposed seven types of human intelligence, linguistic and logical-mathematical are the first two types noted by him commonly valued in educational institutes, e.g. school, colleges (Gardner, 1999, pp. 41). Gardner concluded the definition of intelligence by saying that it could only be applied to some certain explanations of human understanding and behavior, and last but not the least morality is generally a about the kind of person that an individual is and the kind of person an individual has wanted to be. It is not, in itself, an intelligence (p. 77) Gardners view of intelligence has us much ideas for thinking about intellectual functioning but is being expert in one or more of these intelligences actually a reflection of intelligence. Strenberg (1985, 1986) addresses this statement by considering intelligence as a type of mental self-management comprising of tree basic components: componential intelligence, experiential intelligence and contextual intelligence. As these three types of intelligence define intelligent behavior, this theory is known as a triarchic theory. The Information-processing Model reflects on what is going to happen when information flows through different types of internal structure which are should be existing inside the learner. These sort of structures represent the main function of the central nervous system. It should be noted that these sort of structures are hypothetical. According to Gange et al. (1984) some of the process that has been used by the system can be performed better by some individuals than others, but the systems nature will be the same. After having a good concept of how information are being processed, stored and retrieved through the help of the information model, students can learn much more effectively and efficiently as comparing to the period when they were not aware of that. According to Gage Berliner (1984), memorizing things and trying to remember how to how to execute skills is one of the main tasks of learning. If someone learns something one night and cannot remember it some later time is of a very little use according to Gage and Berliner (1984). They believe that metacognitive learners are able to get cognitive strategies to help them to remember things easily and to recall it after a later time. According to them this process is called encoding. At schools teachers can help out the students to encode information. Firstly, they have to provide the learner the information already coded in the form of graphs, tables etc. These help the learners to easily store those data in his/her memory in an easily remembered form. After that teachers can provide that cues to activate the coded data. This helps the students to recall the information that has already been stored in their long-term memory in an encoded form for a long time. Motivation can be referred to the reasons underlying behavior (Guay et al., 2010, p. 172). According to Gredler, Broussard and Garrison (2004) motivation can be considered as an attribute that lets us to do something or not to do something. According to Stipek (1996), ancient approaches to this study of motivation in the literary discourse on extrinsic reinforcement. According to that literature, all sort of behavior, including an individuals achievements , was considered to be controlled by reinforcement. One of the key figure of this approach includes B.F. Skinner, who identifies various categories of reinforcement. Positive reinforcement or gifts or rewards are the result that increases the chance of a particular behavior by getting rid of some negative outer stimulus. On the other hand, the fear of being punished refers to odious consequences that decrease the probability of an individuals behavior. Under this structure, the teachers job is very clear: to give satisfactory grades to reward that individual or give an awful grade or being punished. A set of empirical studies on the manipulation of motivation exists. Though these evidences describes both positive and negative effects, proposing that instructional strategies and classroom contexts can both increase or decrease students motivation. References: Broussard, S. C., Garrison, M. E. B. (2004). The relationship between classroom motivation and academic achievement in elementary school-aged children. Family and Consumer Sciences Research Journal, 33(2), 106-120. Gardner, H. (1999). Intelligence reframed: Multiple intelligences for the 21st century.  New York: Basic Books. Gage Berliner (1984). Educational Psychology Payne, D., W. Tirre. (1984). Individual differences in learning rate. Paper presented at  the Ninth Psychology in the Department of Defense Symposium, USAF Academy,  Colorado Springs, Colorado. Sternberg, R. J., Detterman, D. K. (Eds.). (1986). What is Intelligence?  Norwood, USA: Ablex. Stipek, D. J. (1996). Motivation and instruction. In D. C. Berliner R. C. Calfee (Eds.), Handbook of educational psychology (pp. 85-113). New York: Macmillan.

Wednesday, November 13, 2019

How To Make A Webpage :: essays research papers

How To Make A Webpage   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  For my science project I chose to create a web (internet) page, dealing with science. This project consists of using a computer and a html editor to create a page that can be found on the internet. The next paragraph will explain how to make an internet page.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The steps to making a web page to post on the internet, is very easy. Most web pages are made in a code called html, which is what I am using to make my science web page. Html is an acronym for: Hyper Text Markup Language. The html codes are very easy to use, and remember. If you want to spice up your web page, you may want to use another code called, Java. The word Java is not an acronym, it comes from its maker, ‘Sun Technologies', which is a tremendously huge company that deals with web page making and the internet. Java enables you to have those neat scrolling words at the bottom of your web browser, and the other neat moving things that you may find in web pages around the net. Another code to spice up your web page would be cgi. Cgi stands for: Common Gateway Interface, it is used to submit information on the internet. You can get a book at your local library that contains how to use html, java, and cgi. You now need to select one of the many programs that allow you to make a web page, using html, java, and cgi. Once you find this program, you may now start to enter your html, java, and cgi coordinates. After long hours of work you may now test your web page, depending on the program you are using, there is usually a button that you may press that enables you to look at the web page you have made. After revising and checking your web page, it is time to place it on the internet. To do this, you may have to contact your internet provider, and ask them if they allow their customers to place internet documents on their world wide web server. Once you have it on the net, tell all your friends about it so you can get traffic on your page, and maybe one day, you will win an award for it, and all that work